March 2023
Dear family and friends,
Here is an update of what’s been going on this Spring at the Treasure House!
I give thanks to the Lord God for our new pup, Shalom! I considered getting a couple of kind, intelligent dogs for the girls to play with , as well as to provide protection. This beautiful, young Belgian Malinois arrived at our back gate one day, refusing to leave. He does still need to be trained, but is proving to be a wonderful asset to our family!
Our little gems come and go too often for my comfort! Gloria turned 18 and chose to move in with her Spiritual parents - we’re thrilled forher, but it’s always hard to say goodbye!
It was so wonderful to have my sister with us again this Winter! I fall short when it comes to doing fun, artistic activities with the girls, but when Laura Wick arrives all creativity breaks out! We rested at the beach for a few days, then returned ready to play, paint ande njoy time with the girls.
Visitors are finally coming! It is so very encouraging to have you here with us! We’ve had a few local visitors who have done things from bringing their horses over for the girls to ride to painting on face masks and polishing their nails (what girl doesn’t like to be pampered!). Small teams from the U.S. have also visited. They’ve played ball in our large yard, purchased a play yard with swings, slides and tunnels, decorated their hair and taken “photo booth” pictures. The possibilities are limitless, so please come! You will be blessed as well as each one of us. We are currently raising money to restore the little casita on the property which will have a variety of uses, one of those is for visitors like you.
Prayer Requests
1) *Please continue storming the gates of heaven for our little gems, for the enemy is roaming around incessantly (1Peter 5:8)
2) *We need approximately $30k ASAP to restore the little house on the property which, among many other things, will house the children while the dormitory is being rebuilt.
3) *Thank you so much for your support and prayers!
“Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you may not understand at the time.” -Oswald Chambers